Saturday, February 25, 2006

'We're going to make a - violent, repeat offender out of you -Out of me?'

So a buddy just got out of three months in the big house for running an e-lab in his apartment. Now, you dance with the devil the devil don't change and all that, and I don't believe e should be sold without some kind of quality assurance - if you're going to drain all the serotonin out of your system the FDA should have at least signed off on it - but my buddy has likely been fully recruited to the dark side and will devote all of his considerable talent and energies to exacting some kind of payback.

Didn't get into any fights he claims, but was the beneficiary/victim of a secret bar mitvah. I for one, will be shutting down my e lab.

(note - the title is to be hummed to the tune of 'We're going to make a hot cereal lover out of you'

For a fun look at life behind bars check out 'Go Boy!'

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