Compassionate conservatism - what does that mean? Wearing gloves to keep the blood off when they kick you to the curb?
Here is the thing - some people, you, the conservatives - feel that everyone should look after themselves. Perhaps you weren't cuddled, perhaps its genetic - who cares why? It's just an awful lonely way to live. We get it, we're not going to change you, but we're also not going to let you lower the tone for the rest of us, who, guess what? Actually enjoy helping each other. Actually find life better when others share our good fortune.
I know I know, I might as well write that in Sanskrit - it's not registering.
But here's the thing. And we know this happens because of, well, history books. You fought, cheated and stole your way to power. In your world view the ends justify the means, and you're actually proud of being so "bold" - so manly as the incredibly stupid Tom Flanagan might say when calling for an extrajudicial assassination of someone like Julian Assange.
When you get caught you kind of smirk - shoulder deep into the cookie jaw you're kind of proud you 'took the chance' or 'seized the day' - kind of proud your goals are so awesome that the rules just don't apply.
It's not going to last. The thing is life is short and the incredible selfishness and fear of others that defines your worldview is just not worth a sweet goddamn. So leave the public sphere to people who give a shit. Go and build a compound, or a gated community, or whatever. Go away - leave us much less selfish people alone. You will never know how to trust, you are probably basically incapable of love, you're scared of the world probably because you feel the world is like you are, and, well, 50% of it probably is.
So crawl under a rock - weep, if you are capable, as those of us who enjoy life, enjoy the challenges of building collectively, go about our lives.
Or we'll make you. Make no mistake, like the Allies that trounced fascism, democrats and liberals may try and avoid a confrontation - because, hell, we know how to do the work to get along - but if you don't, if you push us too far. We'll stop you.
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