Saturday, July 14, 2012

Getting wise(r) - sometimes you don't need to find your voice

One of the best parts of being a geezer is that a lot of the things that held you back when you were younger drop away. Like not putting out work because you're too embarrassed what other people are going to think.

As the years pile on you start to realize there's a million and one empty dharmas like this. A million and one excuses for not taking action - I know, I've made lists.

And then you stop caring. "Better a bad artist than a loser" Bruno said, and it's true. The best part of putting out work that's questionable or not ready? It IS embarrassing - and that discomfort is powerful. Because it means the next time you want to do better.

People have started saying "you have to embrace failure". And you do. Because there's no rational thought process that allows you to learn how to do something. The process is practice - not thinking about practice. So here's my questionable singing, with a song I didn't exactly over write. But it forced me to jerry rig (your honor can I take the jury rig option ?) a green screen and work through the process - learned a little garage band too along the way.

Happy with the product? That's beside the point. Eager for the next one to be better and having learnt way more than by bailing? Well, I think I'll be collecting on those lifesavers.

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